24.07.23|Audio / Video Settings Change



Audio / Video Settings Change

  • A 'Disable Audio/Video' mode effective for optimization has been added.
  • When you use this mode, Audio/Video boxes will not appear on the play screen.
  • However, if you switch from the "Do Not Use All" mode to another mode, the Space will refresh.

Remove the 'Automatically give spotlight to host' feature

  • The feature that automatically grants the host a spotlight upon entering the map will be removed.
  • Please grant the spotlight function to each user who was using this feature.

Bugs & Improvements

  • Play
    • Increased the default volume of basic video/audio.
    • Fixed a bug where the space was exposed to SEO even when set to private.
    • Fixed the issue where the X mark was cut off when the whiteboard was embedded at the top.
    • We have optimized large images to improve the performance of the play screen.