24.06.26|A spotlight status check feature has been added and more



After our major update, changes have been made to improve usability based on feedback.

Notice function

The location of the notice function has changed.

The notice function, which was previously located at the botttom of the sidebar, has now been moved to the top of the sidebar.

Changes have been made to make it easier to realize whether any updates were made.


Chat changes

  • The default chat interval value has been set to 0.5 seconds to prevent spam.
  • We have fixed the issue so that the bubble view chat and the menu window do not open simultaneously.
  • (Mobile) Adjusted so that the avatar is in the center of the screen when the keyboard is up.

A spotlight status check feature has been added.

  • A new UI has been added to check the spotlight status.
  • Users can now easily check the status of the spotlight.

    Previously, only users with staff permissions or higher could turn off the spotlight, but now all users can turn off their own spotlight, making event management more convenient. (This feature is only available on PC)


Removal of ring feature

  • The 'ring' feature in the profile has been removed.
    • The existing feature was often used by some users to bother others as you are unable to know who used it.
    • The feature has been temporarily removed and will be provided again in an improved form.

Improving invitation usability

  • The [Invite] feature in the sidebar has been improved.
    • Copy the invitation information or use the entrance QR code to easily invite your friends to your Space!
    • Users with staff-level permissions or higher can select the password sharing option.
      • If you select the password sharing option, users accessing through that link can enter without entering a password.

Set Space to public/private option

  • You can set the public/private option when creating a Space.
    • Initial settings are automatically customized based on the status.
    • The initially configured features can be changed at any time in the Space settings window.
Settings feature
Public Space
Private Space
Search Status
Embed (Guest)
Mini-game (Guest)
Prohibited word filter

[Settings] Improved Detailed Information Function

  • The maximum text length for the detailed information feature has been increased.
    • The length has increased from 14 to 30 characters, allowing for more detailed information to be displayed above the nickname.


🎉 Official Object Added 🎉

  • Escape Room Object Set

Decorate your own Space with escape room objects!

🎊 Escape Room Objects
