23.12.27|Map editor resource upload limit and more


New Features

✧ Home

Added Space deployment inquiry banner

A new banner has been added for contacting official ZEP partners. If you click on banners in the template selection section, editor, and asset store you will be immediately directed to the Inquiry page.


✧ Play

Added confirmation UI when kicking users

When kicking a user, a confirmation modal is now displayed instead of an immediate ban.


Fit-video display when sharing screen

When screen sharing, the display fits the video box frame without being cropped.

In-Space pop-up update

In-Space pop-ups promoting various spaces created with ZEP have been updated. These pop-ups will not appear in Spaces with premium plans (Basic, Pro, Enterprise).

  • Displayed in the bottom right for PCs and in the middle for mobile devices.

Utilize this pop-up to introduce your company's spaces to ZEP users.

  • If you wish to use this pop-up, please inquire via the chat support at the bottom of the homepage!

Added Individual FPS settings feature

You can adjust Frame Rate Limits depending on your device’s performance.

If your device experiences high heat or battery consumption, please adjust the frame rate accordingly.

Path: [Sidebar] - [Settings] - [User] - [Others] -[Frame Rate Limits]


✧ Editor

Editor resource upload limit

The maximum applicable map size is limited to 312x312 tiles.

The modal for adjusting the map size has been updated with automatic pixel calculation when entering the tile count.


Please refer to the table below for resources that can be uploaded to the editor.

Background Image Size
Extension: jpg, webp File Size:10MB Image Size: 10000px*10000px recommended
Foreground Image Size
Extension: jpg, png, webp File Size: 10MB Image Size: 10000px*10000px recommended
Sound FIle Size
Extension: MP3, WMA File Size: 10MB
Individual My Object Size
Extension: jpg, png, webp, gif File Size: 3MB Image Size: 1024px*1024px recommended

The popup that appears when uploading editor resources for the first time has been changed.


Editor Upload Guide has ben updated

Updated the editor guide linked to the question mark inext to the save button.



✧ Mini-Game

Quiz Show Game Update


Feature Improvements

  • The input method for Quiz Show answers has been changed to chatting. After the question is presented, users can input answers via chat and the last entered chat will be submitted as the final answer.
  • Up to 100 free sample questions are now provided.
  • You can proceed with the game by selecting quetions from the sample file without uploading files.

New Premium Features

  • Adjust the number of winners.
  • Adjust poblem solving time.
  • Download history records.


  • Improved intermittent issues with the ZEP-Script lifecycle (onStart, onJoinPlayer).
  • Resolved the issue of the play screen freezing when specifying frames that cannot be assigned to an image.
  • Added a chat command feature to view script errors selectively.
    • Chat command: !scriptlog
    • Entering the command displays error messages in the center label, and re-entering the command hides them.
  • Fixed bugs related to setCameraTarget
    • Fixed a bug where tiles installed with 'Move Automatically' were ignored.
    • Fixed a bug where using the sidebar's move function would allow passing through some impassable tiles.

Bugs Fixes & Updates

🏠 Home

  • Fixed intermittent issue of not receiving email verification codes.

🕹️ Play

  • Fixed intermittent issue where chat scrolling was not functioning properly.
  • Staff-permission users can now enter channels that were previously inaccessible due to exceeding capacity.
  • Resolved issue of chat bubble and nickname UI overlapping.

🎮 Contents

  • Fixed issue of characters intermittently repeating movement, jumping, and stabbing under specific conditions.
  • Fixed problem of abnormal display of mobile buttons' size and position when using the zoom feature on mobile.


✧ 6 New avatar faces added

Decorate your avatar with these new faces!
