
Updates to Privacy Policy

Prior Notice: Updates to Privacy Policy

Dear ZEP users,

We would like to notify you of certain changes that will be made to the ZEP Privacy Policy, effective from May 26, 2023.

An outline of the changes can be found below.

[ZEP Privacy Policy]

  • Changes
    1. Categorization of required/optional personal information collection data
    2. Additions to the required/optional personal information collection data
    3. Additions to the purposes of collection and use of personal information
    4. Specification of the retention period of personal information when responding to inquiries regarding service implementation or partnership affiliation
    5. Modification to the names of personal information processing trustees
    6. Changes to the personal data protection manager
    7. Updates to the personal information infringement reporting and counseling agencies list
    8. Other adjustments to the language used in the terms that does not affect content

Updates to the Disclosure of Personal Information to a Third Party

Article 1 [Personal Data Collection and Collection Method] ① The Company will collect and handle the following personal data, and the collected personal data will not be used for purposes other than those specified herein. 1. Membership registration and management - Required: email address (member ID), age verification (14 years of age or older), nickname, profile photo 2. Data automatically created and collected while using services - IP address, service usage history, browsing history, date and time of membership registration, abuse history, device information ② The Company will collect personal data using the following methods: - Data being directly input by the user on the Company’s website, applications, or within its services - Data being collected through automatic collection devices
Article 1 [Personal Data Collection and Collection Method] 1. Membership registration and management (a) General membership - Required: email address (member ID)   (b) Membership registration and management through social network account connection   Google: (required) email address Whalespace: (required) email address 2. Settlement information (limited to creators)        1.   Individual user -Required: full name, nationality, account information (bank name, account number, depositor name), mobile phone number, resident ID number (or for foreigners, data that can confirm their foreign status such as a residence card registration number or Tax ID), email address (member ID), and PayPal information (for foreigners only, PayPal email address, PayPal profile image)       2.   Individual/corporate business operator -    Required: business name, representative name, email address (member ID), contact information (name, mobile phone number, email address), account information (bank name, account number, depositor name), representative resident ID number 3. Identification information (limited to creators)   - Name, date of birth, gender, domestic/abroad status, mobile phone number, identification value (CI/DI)   4. Data automatically created and collected while using services   - IP address, service usage history, browsing history, date and time of membership registration, abuse history, device information, payment and purchase information   5. Inquiry on service implementation and affiliation   - Required: name, email address, mobile phone number   6.  Inquiry   - Required: email address, inquiry content - Optional: name   7. Marketing information   - Optional: email address   ② The Company will collect personal data using the following methods:   - Data being directly input by the user on the Company’s website, applications, or within its services   - Data being collected through automatic collection devices   - Data being received through external companies or organizations affiliated with the Company   - Data being collected through the website, e-mail, phone calls, etc. during the consultation process through the customer center
Article 2 [Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Data] ① The Company may use collected personal data for the following purposes. Personal data which is handled by the Company is not used for other purposes than the following, and in the case of changes to the purpose of use, necessary measures such as consent receipt will be taken according to relevant laws and regulations. 1. Official website membership registration and user management - Confirmation on membership registration, self-identification/verification for provision of services, maintenance/management of membership qualifications, confirmation of valid membership registration records, management of abusers, revealing abusers and restricting their use, fulfillment of the contractual obligations, dispute resolution, etc. 2. Use of services - Complaint handling and provision of other customer services, delivery of notices 3. Use as required by other laws and regulations - Fulfillment of obligations prescribed in statutes, etc.
Article 2 [Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Data]   ① The Company may use collected personal data for the following purposes. Personal data which is handled by the Company is not used for other purposes than the following, and in the case of changes to the purpose of use, necessary measures such as consent receipt will be taken according to relevant laws and regulations.   1. Official website membership registration and user management   - Confirmation on membership registration, self-identification/verification for provision of services, maintenance/management of membership qualifications, confirmation of valid membership registration records, management of abusers, revealing abusers and restricting their use, fulfillment of the contractual obligations, dispute resolution   2. Use of services   - Complaint handling and provision of other customer services, delivery of notices, payment processing of paid products, Confirmation and payment of settlement, and tax processing   3. Service implementation and affiliation    - Consultations on service implementation and partnership affiliation   4. Marketing advertisement - Provision of event information and advertising information
Article 3 [Retention Period of Personal Data and Withdrawal of Users] - Retention period : 30 days - Retained items : email, access records, abuse records, nickname ③ Your account will be withdrawn immediately upon application for withdrawal. User registration with the same email address will be restricted for one month after withdrawal.
Article 3 [Retention Period of Personal Data and Withdrawal of Users] 5. Use as required by other laws and regulations - Retained items : email, access records, use records, nickname ③ Personal information will be retained for up to three years after responding to inquiries regarding service implementation or partnership affiliation.
Article 4 [Protection of Personal Data] ① The Company will collect and use the personal data of the user within the scope of Article 2 of this Privacy Policy. In cases in which personal data not mentioned in the Terms of Service or Privacy Policy is shared with third parties, the Company will notify the user in advance in order to obtain consent, and if the user does not agree to provide such data, the Company will not share the data with a third party. However, in the following cases, personal data may be shared with third parties without the consent of the user: ②Members have the right not to consent to the provision of personal data to third parties and may withdraw their consent to the provision of personal data to third parties. Even if they do not consent, services that are not based on provision of personal data to third parties will remain available, while the use or provision of services dependent on the provision of this data to third parties may be limited. Notification will be provided for any other changes to the provision of personal data to third parties through separate notifications.
Article 4 [Protection of Personal Data]   1 The Company will collect and use the personal data of the user within the scope of Article 2 of this Privacy Policy. Personal information will be provided to the minimum extent necessary with the consent of the user in the following cases in order to provide services smoothly.   Recipient of data: hosts who create Spaces on the ZEP service Purpose of provision: to manage participants and track their status within the Space Data items: email address and access history Retention period: until the Space is closed or deleted. 2     In cases in which personal data not mentioned in the Terms of Service or Privacy Policy is shared with third parties, the Company will notify the user in advance in order to obtain consent. However, in the following cases, personal data may be shared with third parties without the consent of the user: c. Members have the right not to consent to the provision of personal data to third parties and may withdraw their consent to the provision of personal data to third parties at any time. Even if they do not consent, services that are not based on provision of personal data to third parties will remain available, while the use or provision of services dependent on the provision of this data to third parties may be limited. Notification will be provided for any other changes to the provision of personal data to third parties through separate notifications.
Article 5 [Handling Consignment of Collected Personal Data] ② The trustees and entrusted tasks are as below: - Trustee: Amazon Web Service Inc. Entrusted task: Operation and management of cloud servers located in South Korea where personal information is stored
Article 5 [Handling Consignment of Collected Personal Data]  2) Trustee: Toss Payments Co.,Ltd   Entrusted task: Payment and settlement services   3) Trustee: NICE Information Service Co., Ltd   Entrusted task: Creator identification certification   4) Trustee: Infobip Ltd.
Article 9 [Technical and Administrative Protection Measures for Personal Data]
Article 9 [Personal Information Protection Safety Measures]
Article 10 [Personal Data Protection Manager] Personal data protection manager - Name : YOONSEUNGJAE - Email address : hello@zep.us ③ If you have any complaints related to the handling of personal information when using the Company's services, you may report them to the person in charge of personal information protection or the customer center (hello@zep.us). The Company will respond promptly to any reports submitted by users. ④ Please contact the following organizations if you need to report or consult about other personal data infringement. [For South Korea] - Personal Information Infringement Notification Center ( https://www.1336.or.kr /(02)1336 ) - ePRIVACY ( https://www.eprivacy.or.kr / (02)580-0533~4) - Supreme Prosecutor's Office, Advanced Crime Investigation Department ( https://www.spo.go.kr / (02)3480-2000) - Cyber Terrorism Response Center ( https://www.police.go.kr/www/security/cyber.jsp / (02)392-0330)
Article 10 [Personal Data Protection Manager] - Personal data protection manager - Name: Youngeul Kim - Position: Chief Director  - Email address : hello@zep.us ④ Please contact the following organizations if you need to report or consult about other personal data infringement.    [For South Korea]   - Personal Information Infringement Report Center (privacy.kisa.or.kr/(Without country code)118)   -  Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee (www.kopico.go.kr/(Without country code) 1833-6972)   - Supreme Prosecutor's Office ( https://www.spo.go.kr / (Without country code)1301)   - Electronic Cybercrime Report & Management System (ecrm.police.go.k/(Without country code)182)
<New Clause>
Supplementary Provision This privacy policy will take effect on May 26, 2023.   You may view the previous privacy policy below. From November 30, 2021, to May 25, 2023 (Click)
  • Effective date: May 26, 2023

※ In the event that Customers do not agree to the amendment of the Privacy Policy, they have the option to request the correction of their personal information or the suspension of its processing. If you have any questions regarding the content of the privacy policy, please contact us via the customer center (support@zepus.zendesk.com).

Please refer to the following link for details regarding the changes: [Link]

We will continue to do our best to provide good service. Thank you.