23.11.08|Data Dashboard and more


ZEP Update Notes / 2023.11.08

New Features

✧ Home

Home Banner List Improvement

In November, Space Banner Ads will be unveiled. Please refer to later announcements for further details.

Improved the UI of the banner list that appears on the home screen.

Added the banner list to the landing page as well.

Clicking on the banner takes you to a new tab.


Improved the usability of uploading My App

Made usability improvements to the My App upload page.


✧ Play

Added instruction UI for Network Connection termination

Added guidance UI that is shown when device loses network connection.

When you click 'Confirm' you reconnect to the Space.


Zem Donation chat UI improvements

Improved the UI displayed in the chat window when donating Zems.


✧ Editor

Made Editor usability improvements.

  1. The [Play] button has been renamed.
    1. Before update: Play → After update: Save and Play
  2. Added guidance UI that is shown when the 'Save and Play' button is clicked.
    1. Be aware that all users will be refreshed when this feature is used.

✧ Payment Related

ZEP Icon Improvement

Improved the icon displayed when making Zem payments.


Data Dashboard

  • Added data dashboard feature to the Enterprise Plan. (Consultation needed)
  • You can check Space details.
    • Space visitors / visitors per map / chat count / object interactions / access platform


✧ Premium

Added Quiz Room premium features

The premium feature of the built-in app in the Quiz Room template has been opened.

Available in the School Quiz Room and the Space Quiz Room!

  • School Quiz Room
  • image
  • Space Quiz Room
  • image
  • Premium Feature Introduction
    • Download up to 100 questions
    • Download history
      • Download scores per user
      • You can download history of the total number of participants per question, average score, average playtime.
    • Decorate Quiz Feature
      • You can change the font size and color of questions and answers.
      • You can set a score tier for your users.
    • Make your own Quiz Room
      • You can customize your own maps by installing additional designated areas.
  • Reference
    • The [School Quiz Room Map 10 Questions] map has been deleted from the Asset Store.

✧ Mini-Games

Rock Paper Scissors Game Improvements

  • You can now enjoy the Rock Paper Scissors Game in all Maps.
  • Notes
    • However, make sure that you play the game in areas without tile effects
    • In the case of Rock Paper Scissors, note that the object is (15*5) which is a very large size

Bug Fixes & Updates


  • Fixed intermittent issue where more than one Space was created.
  • Fixed intermittent issue where thumbnails were incorrectly shown in Space lists.

⚙️ Editor

  • Fixed issue where websites were sometimes displayed at an unintended size when using [Open in Fullscreen] in the [Open Website in Popup] object setting.
  • Fixed issue where Multiple Choice Objects would not show when no text was entered in options.
  • Fixed issue where adding a new AI NPC object would intermittently overwrite existing AI object settings.


  • Fixed issue where it was not possible to save avatar decorations if the nickname was longer than 15 characters.
  • Fixed intermittent incorrect outputs of move/link UI in the sidebar.
  • Fixed issue where low-ower mode UI would not be shown.
  • Fixed intermittent issue of password popups not closing.

📱 App

  • Fixed issue that sometimes caused the mobile app to connect as non-logged in when accessed.

🎮 Contents

  • Bomberman Bug Fix (minigame)
    • Fixed bug where the final winner would turn into a bomber.
  • Popups at the end of the game (minigame)
    • To prevent unintentional game endings caused by accidentally stepping on Mini-Game blocks, a confirmation popup is displayed when stepping on a block to confirm the end of the Mini-Game.
  • onObjectTouched, onAppObjectTouched API has been modified.
    • Fixed so that when an object placed using ZEP script is clicked (collided), the event that used to occur multiple times now happens only once.
    • So onObjectLeave, onAppObjectLeave API has been added.
      • Event occur when the touch of an object placed using ZEP-Script is released.
  • PutTileEffect Bug Fix
    • When PuttileEffect is used to place tileEffect, it can now be deleted.

New ZEP Official Templates & Assets

💜 New Template and New Objects Added💜

✧ Quiz Race Template

  • Forest Maze Quiz
  • Lava Quiz Race has been added.
  • Use this new template to compete in the race with your friends

✧ Objects

  • Various crowd NPC Objects
  • Student crowd NPC Objects
  • Office Worker NPC Objects
  • Forest Quiz Race Objects have been added.

Decorate your Maps with these new items!


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