23.10.26|Premium App Update and more


ZEP Update Notes / 2023.10.26


✧ Official App

Premium App Update

Upgrade your Space to the Pro Plan to unlock premium features in apps and mini-games!

Attendence App

  • [Sidebar] > [Apps] Add app > [Manage apps] Attendance App
  • image
  • Premium Features
    • Added download attendance record function
      • Able to download daily attendance records (up to 90 days)
    • Able to set attendance hours

Study App

  • [Sidebar] > [Apps] Add app > [Manage apps] Study App
  • image
  • Added ranking view UI to the Study App

✧ Official Mini-Game

Zombie Game

  • [Mini-games] > Zombie Game
  • image
  • Humans get infected when zombies poke (Z) them.


We've added five new avatar faces.

Customize your avatar with different facial expressions!
