23.09.14|AI NPC Feature and more


ZEP Update Notes / 2023.09.14

New Features

✧ Editor

AI NPC Object

Adds AI NPC functionality to your object. Your object will be capable of engaging in advanced AI conversations, similar to Chat GPT.
  1. Please provide a name and description for your NPC. You might also be interested in our AI NPC setup guide.
  2. The greeting is the initial conversation between the AI object and user.
  3. image
  4. Creativity is represented as a numerical value in the AI model, known as ‘temperature.’ The closer this value is to 1, the more varied the sentences generated by the AI, whereas the closer it is to 0 the sentences become more consistent. Typically you will use a lower value when your aim is to convey information, and a higher value when you desire creativity.
  5. image
  6. Now, when you activate the object, you can engage in a conversation with the NPC you've created.
  7. image


✧ Official Templates & Objects

Quiz Race Template

We've released a quiz race template that enables you to create an O,X quiz.

Simply create a map and upload pre-prepared questions onto it. The questions will be set up automatically, and you can begin playing the trivia game.

You have the option to download users' scores and their time record.


Other Official Templates & Objects

  • New Road maze quiz template.
  • Two fence objects(top view & ISO) have been added.
  • Customize your space with a variety of templates and objects.

🚗 New Road Maze Quiz Template


🌷 울타리 오브젝트 (ISO)


🌷 울타리 오브젝트 (Top view)


Official App

My Point App

[Sidebar] > [App] Add App > [App Management] My Points

  • Premium Feature
    • Unlimited Number of Resets

Bugs Fixes & Updates

⚙️ Editor:

  • Fixed an issue where a value inserted and saved after placing a zep-script interaction object was not reflected in real-time for users who accessed it after saving.

🕹️ Play:

  • Improved RTC bubble, audio border speech recognition.
  • Fixed recording icon in the Internet tab not disappearing when active audio is turned off.
  • Fixed camera microphone intermittently appearing to be turned off and audio is inaudible to other users.
  • Fixed an issue where audio borders were sometimes not displayed.
  • Fixed an issue where the user’s video occasionally flips horizontally.
  • Fixed an issue where the screen sharing video would not end when exiting the shared screen via a system alert.

📱 Apps

  • Improved so unused user video boxes to merge into a single UI.
  • Fixed to maintain video/audio state values within a space.

🎮 Content

  • Fixed an issue where outlines were not showing when interacting with objects in Canvas state on some mobile devices.
  • Fixed an issue where the character would continue to move after executing the screenshot shortcut with Command+shift+4 on Mac OS.
  • Fixed an issue where a set effect sprite animation would persist in a non-idle state when a player's sprite is set, even though the character is stationary.
  • Improved playSpriteEffect to be displayed on top of nickname and title.
    • player.playEffectSprite(sprite, repeatNum, offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0)
  • Fixed an issue where setEffectSprite and the avatar default animation were out of sync.