23.08.31|Settings Renewal and more


ZEP Update Notes / 2023.08.31

New Features

✧ Play

🎉 Additional Information Feature (Only available on Pro or higher plans)

Hosts can request additional details from guests by enabling this function through Settings > Participant Profile > [Show Details].

When you enable the feature, all users accessing the space will be prompted to enter their details. However, providing details is optional.

You can also enter and edit details in your profile.

The order of displaying the details at the top of the character is as following.

  • ZEP script title > details > nickname > avatar

🎉 Tutorial Feature

Hosts can activate the tutorial feature in the settings.

When a user first accesses ZEP, the tutorial UI is exposed at the top of the screen.

The tutorial will not be shown again to users who have completed or exited the tutorial.

🎉 Mobile Profile Area Touch Improvements

The mobile gameplay experience has been enhanced by addressing the issue where profiles could inadvertently appear when touching another user while adjusting your orientation, causing frustration.

Profile touch functionality has been disabled in the following areas:


🎉 Settings Window Improvements

We have implemented enhancements to improve the functionality of the Settings feature for a better user experience

The size of the settings window has slightly increased.

When saving changes, a message is displayed at the top of the screen indicating that the change has been saved.

The entry map is now positioned at the top of the map settings.

Users can view the map they are currently on.

Space password settings UI/UX has changed.

  • The [Change Password] button has veen removed to simplify the overall password setting flow.

Even normal apps that you don’t own or install are now displayed.

The UX for Setting Domain Restrictions has changed.

  • The domain entry section and the added domain information section have been separated.
  • An "Add" button has been introduced for domain entry.
  • The maximum number of domains that can be entered has been restricted to 10.

⛏Bugs & Improvements

🕹️ Play

  • Receive nickname input settings improvement
    • Previously, only non-logged-in users accessing the space would enter their nickname.
    • Now all users accessing the space will have to enter a nickname when this feature is enabled.
  • Profile settings window improvement
    • Additional information/Nickname preview feature added.
    • “Customize Avatar” button added. Clicking the button will take you to the avatar customization window.
  • Avatar customization window improvement
    • The UI for adding and editing nickname/status messages has been removed
  • Removed user status message functionality
    • Removed status messages from profile settings, profile, and user list.
  • Changed the sidebar mini-banner. Clicking the banner will now take you to the Premium App Guide page.
  • The announcement regarding the deactivation of running mode is now displayed to the user when the host disables running mode.
  • The problem where your avatar occasionally moved in unintended directions has been resolved.
  • No longer able to remove the space owner using the !kick command.
  • Fixed the application of the Japanese language when accessing ZEP through the Samsung Internet app.

🎨 Editor

  • Fixed issue when value inzep-script interaction object would not be shown to these who interact with the object after the “save” button is pressed.and then pressing the `Save' button would not work for users who accessed it after saving.
  • “Start from a blank map” was fixed to create a blank map with no tiles/objects installed.
  • Users that log into ZEP with an EDU account now have access to the “Asset Store” and “Start from Blank Map” buttons.

🎮 Contents

  • Fixed issue that caused reactions to not display on screen or show strange characters when using reactions in the Canvas environment.
  • The “onAppObjectTouched" can now be used properly.
  • Fixed a bug that caused tile effects to be ignored when setting “setcameraTarget”.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented interacting with tile effects such as portals installed with the “Run Now” type if the camera was looking elsewhere.
  • Fixed a bug related to player actions
    • Resolved an issue where sitting down and holding SHIFT to change direction would cause the player to stand up.
    • Jumping while dancing would cause an IDLE state.
  • Fixed an issue where the object collider was incorrectly created.
    • Attack or collision events will now work correctly.
  • Fixed issue where incorrect app information was displayed when a zep-script server error occurred.