23.08.10|Guestbook App Launch and more


ZEP Update Notes / 2023.08.10

New Features

✧ Official Apps

Guest Book new

  • The Guestbook allows users entering a space to freely write messages.
  • image
  • You can launch apps from the sidebar or open them through object interaction.
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✧ Official Objects & Templates

  • Picnic park template has been added.
  • Road objects have been added.
  • Decorate your own Space with these new items!

🌳 Picnic park Template


🚗 Road Object


⛏ Bug Fixes & Updates

  • Dancing Bug Fix
    • Your avatar will no longer stop dancing when someone else enters the map.
  • Zep-Script showBuyAlert
    • The message parameter of the showBuyAlert function will now be displayed properly in the purchase Alert.
  • Running Mode Bug Fix
    • When the running mode setting is turned off, it no longer applies to all other active users.