23.07.21|Official Objects & Templates updates and more


ZEP Update Notes / 2023.07.21

Delay in Premium Plans Implementation

As per our previous announcement, the launch of ZEP's new subscription service, Premium Plans, was originally scheduled for July 21, 2023. However, we inform you that the implementation of ZEP Premium Plans has been postponed until further notice due to internal circumstances. We will keep you informed about any updates regarding the launch. Thank you for your understanding.


✧ Official Apps

Daily Stamp New

[Sidebar] > [App] > [App Management]

  • This app enables you to create an engaging mission for users to find a specific number of randomly placed stamps within the map.
  • Use this app for attendance checks or daily missions and encourage users to visit your Space every day.

Ride Updated

[Sidebar] > [App] > [App Management]

  • Two new riding options have been added with this update. You can purchase these with ZEM.
  • Cart
  • image
    Price: 15 ZEM

    Enjoy a grocery cart race

  • Flamingo
  • image
    Price: 20 ZEM

    Float on water with a flamingo tube

Poke (All) Updated

[Sidebar] > [App] > [App Management]

  • With the Poke (All) app, the map owner can modify users' poke animations.
  • One new paid poke animation has been added.
  • Baseball
  • image
    Price: 10 ZEM

    Price for Owner: 100 ZEM

    A baseball that flies at 100 mph

✧ Official Objects & Templates

  • Two templates, Play Town and Abandoned School Maze Quiz, have been added.
  • Four object sets for fancy and abandoned school classrooms have been added.
  • Decorate your own Space with these new items!

🎮 Play Town


🪑 Abandoned School Maze Quiz


🪑 High-Tech Classroom Objects


🪑 Abandoned Classroom


🪑 Abandoned School Objects 1


🪑 Abandoned School Objects 2


⛏ Bug Fixes & Updates

🔑 Sign in

  • The issue of digits being entered twice upon entering the email verification code while signing in with a Japanese mobile device using an email has been fixed.

🎮 Content

  • The issue of some object names being displayed as "null" has been resolved.
  • The issue of the app and location not being displayed when a specific error occurred in the ZEP Script has been resolved.
    • Please check for debugging information at the beginning or end of the message displayed in the chat window when a problem occurs in ZEP Script.