23.06.15|OX Quiz & Quiz Show Updated and more


ZEP Update Notes / 2023.06.15


✧ Mini-Games

OX Quiz & Quiz Show Updated

  • The OX Quiz and Quiz Show games now include a new feature allowing users to pre-upload questions and answers.
  • After starting the game, click [Upload Quiz File] and then [Add File]. You can upload a file in TXT or CSV format.
    • Go to the 📁Quiz File Setup Guide
    • Uploading File
      • You can upload files saved on your computer.
      • If the file is not formatted correctly, issues may occur during the uploading process.
    • After uploading the file and starting the game, you will be given time to choose a question.
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✧ Official App

🎉 Ride App Updated

Asset Store > Apps > Ride App

  • Two new riding options have been added with this update. You can purchase these with ZEM.
  • The key for mounting riding items has been updated from "R" to "E."
  • Electric Scooter
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    Price: 12 ZEM

    Description: Experience the electrifying freedom on the electric scooter!

  • Tweety Sparrow
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    Price: 15 ZEM

    Description: A hungry sparrow chirps!

New ZEP Official Templates & Assets

💜 Templates and an object set for a doctor's office, counseling room, and school hallway have been added.💜

  • Decorate your own Space with these new items!

🏥 Doctor's Office (iso)


😎 VIP Counseling Room (iso)


😎 School Hallway
