23.03.31| Poke App Updated and more


ZEP Update Notes / 2023.03.31


✧ Play

Points Mode

  • Users who have Host permissions or above can use points mode for mini-games and apps.
  • Users can participate in mini-games or use certain apps to earn points, which they can then use to purchase items.
  • Points are limited to the Space where they were earned and cannot be used in other Spaces.
  • Only those who are signed in can earn points.

Mini-games and apps where the point mode is available


Points mode is available in all mini-games provided by ZEP. You can set the winning point values in the settings window before starting the mini-game. Points will be awarded to the winner(s), and no points will be awarded if the game results in a draw.
  • Race, Avoid Poop, Boxing Match (Solo)
    • Points are awarded to the final winner.
  • Bombers
    • Points are awarded to the survivors.
  • Zombie
    • Points are awarded to the final survivor.
    • Best Zombie Points are also awarded to the zombie that infected the most players.
  • Paintman, Boxing Match (Group)
    • Points are awarded to the winning team members.
  • Quiz Show, OX Quiz
    • Points are awarded to the survivors when the presenter decides to end the game.


Users who are Admin or above can set up points mode for apps in the settings window.
  • Attendance Check
    • You can award points to users when they check in to the attendance app.
  • Stamp
    • You can award points to users when they obtain a stamp.

Official Apps

My Points

[Sidebar] > [App] > [App Management]

  • With the introduction of points mode, an app has been released that enables users to check their points and rankings.
  • This app can be installed from the sidebar by the Space Admin.
  • The Admin can award points to users or reset point records in the Space using this app.

Poke App Update

[Sidebar] > [App] > [App Management]

  • Two animations, Soap Bubble and Mouse Cursor, have been added with this update.
  • image
Soap Bubble: Bubble floating in the air

Price: Free of charge

Mouse Cursor: Click on others with a cursor

Price: 1,000 points

✧ Mini-Game

Entry Fee Added to Quiz Show and OX Quiz

  • An entry fee feature has been added to Quiz Show and OX Quiz.
  • The revenue from mini-games will go to the corresponding map owner.
  • Users who are Admin or above can add an entry fee from More Options > Fee Settings before starting the mini-game.