23.01.26|Editor-Mass Add and Delete and more


New Features

✧ Editor

Mass Add and Delete

  • Mass Add
    • You can add duplicate walls, floors, and tile effects at once by dragging your mouse.
    • The corresponding element will be added to the entire selected box.
    • Shortcut Key: cmd/ctrl + shift + mouse drag (left click)
  • Mass Delete
    • In the Map Editor, select Eraser and drag your mouse to remove all the walls, floors, objects, and tile effects within the selection box.
    • Shortcut Key: cmd/ctrl + shift + mouse drag (left click)

Update to the Poke (Z) Sound Effect


✨ Official App


  • This new app lets you randomly draw the name of one of the users currently in the map.
  • After installing the app, the Space Admin can run the app and start a lottery by clicking the Draw button.
  • When the app starts, each user currently in the map receives a number and the drawing starts after 10 seconds.

ZEP Script

  • App.storage Improvement
    • The API has been added to synchronize App.storage in different maps in the same Space.
    • You can bring changes by trying setStorage when storing data and getStorage on another map.
    • The existing App.storage API is still available.
  • player.showBuyAlert
    • An option has been added to allow the map owner to receive revenue that originally would have gone to the app creator.
    • The default value of payToSpaceOwner is False, and if you set it to True, the revenue will go to the map owner.
  • New APIs that display various pop-up windows have been added.
    • showAlert() alert → Confirm
    • showConfirm() confirm → Confirm & Cancel
    • showPrompt() prompt → Input menu & Confirm
  • Tile Effect Improvements
    • The impassable effect could not be duplicated where you installed other tile effects in the Map Editor, but you can now add impassable effects as ZEP script.
  • You can display a widget wherever you want with the showWidgetResponsive anchor.
    • You can set the top, bottom, left, and right margins as in percentage (%).
  • Vignette is now available in the mobile version.

Bugs Fixes & Updates

🕹️ Play

  • The issue where the avatar nickname was shown in white has been fixed. (White to green)
  • The issue where Low Power Mode turned on abnormally has been fixed.
  • The issue where the nickname settings menu intermittently appeared although deactivated has been fixed.
  • The issue where the Space thumbnail and sidebar cover image were not copied when copying a Space has been fixed.

⚙️ Editor

  • The issue where the outline of the object didn’t disappear when you deleted it by shift+left click has been fixed.
  • The issue where shortcut keys didn’t work when the keyboard was set to Korean on Mac has been fixed.

📱 Mobile App

  • The issue where a yellow outline didn’t appear when interacting with an object has been fixed.