22.10.13|Default Donation Settings Update and more


ZEP Update Notes / 2022.10.13

✨ New Features


🎉 Default Donation Settings Update

  • Until now, the donation feature has been active on all Spaces by default.
  • Any Spaces created after this update will now have donation features deactivated by default. To activate donations in a Space, go to Settings/Host Menu → Donation Settings and click Activate donations.
Default donation settings when creating a Space: Activated > Deactivated


🎉 Default Values for Particular Tiles (Tile Effects)

  • The default size for Map Location tiles is set to 1*1 by default.
  • The default size for YouTube tiles is set to 10*16 by default.

Asset Store

🎉 Update to Object Set Files Arrangement

(Asset Store > Upload Assets > Upload Object set)

  • The file names of the objects to be uploaded are now arranged in alphabetical order! You can set the order of the objects as you wish.

😎 Avatar Renewal

🌟ZEP avatars came back with new looks. Take a look!🌟


*What’s New*

Face different directions by pressing Shift + an arrow key
Face different directions by pressing Shift + an arrow key
Press X and sit down next to your friend.
Press X and sit down next to your friend.

🎉 Sitting Mode (Desktop only)

  • Now you can sit down in ZEP! “Sitting mode” has been added.
  • Press X to sit down anywhere in the Space.
  • This is only available in desktop mode. The mobile version is still being prepared.
  • - Take a seat and have a coffee-side chat with your colleagues.
    - Take a seat and have a coffee-side chat with your colleagues.
    - Look at this adorable back 🙊💗!
    - Look at this adorable back 🙊💗!
                                                                  “Vanity of vanities! All is vanity.”
    “Vanity of vanities! All is vanity.”

🎮 Content


🎉 Race (public mode)

  • A new racing game is open for everyone!
  • Visit Space
  • Space Information
    • Maximum users per channel: 20 (A new channel will be created upon reaching 20 users per channel.)
    • You can move to other channels with less than 20 users.
  • How to Play (Guide)
    • The game automatically starts every 60 seconds if at least 3 users have entered the Space.
    • Make your avatar get through the running track and reach the finish line first to win.
    • Once the 1st place runner reaches the finish line, a countdown will start. When the timer runs out, the race results will be announced.
    • A leaderboard appears above the winner’s head.
    • The leaderboard may be reset without prior notice.
  • In this Space, you may find your avatar in animal costumes! 🐷🐰🐻

✨ Official App

🎉 Attendance Check App

[ZEP App Management] > [출석체크 (Attendance Check)]


Using the Attendance Check App, users can leave their check-in history. 📅


[How to Use]

  1. Install the app from [ZEP App Management] > [출석체크 (Attendance Check)]. Only the Owner, the creator of the Space, can access the ZEP App Management tab.
  2. Just simply open the app and click the Check In button.
  3. The admin can download the check-in history in Settings.
    • Time Zone (14 zones supported)
    • Weekdays Only
    • Download List
    • Reset History (Once reset, data cannot be restored.)

⛏ Bugs & Fixes

  • ⚙️ Editor (Tile Effects)
    • The issue where avatars unintentionally went through a portal when approaching the portal tile has been fixed.
  • 🕹️ Play
    • The issue where the isMoving status value didn’t change when moving diagonally has been fixed.
    • The issue where the interaction key appeared smaller in size on several mobile devices has been fixed.
  • 🎮 Content
    • The UI design for [OX Quiz] has been updated.
  • 💫 Feature
    • The Google Analytics Connection feature is no longer available in ZEP.
Press 0 and dance!
Press 0 and dance!